Sunday, September 18, 2011


The research and writing is almost done for “Sandisfield Then and Now: 1762-2102,” a history book being produced in celebration of the Town’s 250th birthday next year. There is a wealth of information out there including wonderful old photos, facts and anecdotes. We know you will cherish the 500-page hardcover book full of historic images as well as stories of our industries, famous and infamous people, and old homes, to name just a few of the topics covered.

Right now, we need your help to fund the final stages of the book. We hope you will consider becoming a FOUNDING SPONSOR at one of these three categories:

Silver Sponsor $100 – your name will appear at the beginning of the book as a founding sponsor

Gold Sponsor $200 – Your name will appear in the book and you will receive a signed and numbered copy of the book

Platinum Sponsor $500 – your name will appear in the book, you will receive a signed and numbered copy of the book, and 40 limited edition Sandisfield postage stamps.

Your tax-deductible donation is crucial in allowing us to hire a local graphic designer as well as a professional editor, Bernard Drew, who has written 30 Berkshire town histories, including the 1999 Great Barrington history. Your donation also underwrites the copying, scanning and digitizing of important historical documents for future use by all. Our other expenses include everything from copy paper, to a post-office box, to the purchase and licensing of rare photos.

The history book committee is a sub-committee of the Town of Sandisfield’s 250th birthday committee so all checks should be made out to the Town of Sandisfield with a note specifying “history book donation.” We are indebted to the Town of Sandisfield and the Historical Society for providing assistance with this important project.

We thank everyone who has taken the time to speak with us and provide photos and stories and to our committee members and consultants as well for their dedication to this enormous project. Call Liana (413) 441-9542 or Ron (413) 269-0012 with any questions.

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