Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sandisfield Launches Website

Sandisfield is the latest of the Berkshire County towns to develop a web site for its residents. Populated with useful information, forms and official documents for download, the site is the work of Cold Spring Road resident, Jean Atwater-Williams, and web developer, Scott Lamlein of North Forty Road Web Design. Elaine O’Brien, Patrick Barrett (Selectman), and Dolores Harasyko (Town Clerk) formed the main working committee, with early input from Chapin Fish and Bethany Perry. Many months of work have paid off in a handsome and easily navigable site with everything from upcoming events to useful links and a downloadable copy of the Town’s bylaws.

Jean Atwater-Williams owns and operates BizTech Associates, a technology consulting firm specializing in helping small businesses and nonprofits utilize computer, Internet and telecommunications technology. She is chair of the town’s Technology Committee, as well as Sandisfield’s delegate to the MBI (Massachusetts Broadband Institute) and WiredWest, the community group trying to bring state of the art broadband Internet service availability to all citizens in western Massachusetts. Jean is also President of the Sandisfield Arts Center, and webmaster for the Sandisfield Times and Sandisfield Then and Now web sites.

Scott Lamlein is the principal designer/developer of North Forty Road Web Design in Bristol, CT. A life-long commitment to the marriage of things technical with things artistic has driven his pursuit of web design, with a focus on reasonable design fees, personal customer service, and local sourcing.

Initial funding for the web site was provided by the former Sandisfield Newsletter and was approved at the annual town meeting in May 2010. After a lengthy search for web designers, including serious consideration of a popular Massachusetts group specializing in municipal web sites, it was decided that North Forty Road Web Design offered the most personal service at the best price for our tax dollars. Check out the new site at Photo by Richard Migot.