Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Dear Friends,

We are delighted to invite you to the premiere screening of our latest short film, "Bob and the Trees", Saturday August 14th at 8:30pm at the Sandisfield Art Center.

The film was shot this spring in our adopted town of Sandisfield, and narrates the daily life of Bob, a fifty year-old logger who has a soft spot for golf and hardcore rap.

The film is about 30 minutes long. We'll have a little Q&A after the screening and for those who are thirsty, we'll head down to Tucker's Pub for refreshments, afterwards.

Diego Ongaro

Saturday, July 17, 2010


SANDISFIELD – On Saturday, August 28, the Town of Sandisfield’s 250th Birthday Committee will host its first fundraiser -- a lobster supper at the American Legion Pavilion on Route 8 in Sandisfield. Proceeds from the supper will help fund the town’s 250th celebration weekend in July 2012. The cost of the meal, which includes lobster (or ribs), corn on the cob, salad, coffee and dessert, is $25 per person. Steamers will be available for an extra $5 and a children’s hotdog meal will be offered for $8. Reservations are required for the two seatings at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Call (413) 258-4688 or 413 258-4816 to reserve or obtain more information.

Other celebratory activities include a comprehensive history book edited by Bernard Drew, a community cookbook organized by the Sandisfield Historical Society, and a town-wide celebration weekend in the summer of 2012 featuring a parade, dance, and tractor pull, among other events.

Photo: Richard Migot
Caption: Steve Harasyko and Richard Campetti created their own giant lobster steamer for a Yanner Park fundraiser in 2007. They have agreed to reprise their roles for the Town of Sandisfield 250th Birthday Celebration fundraiser.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Sandisfield Times Launches April 1

SANDISFIELD – A group of Sandisfield residents has decided the town needs a vehicle for communication and will launch a monthly newsletter called “The Sandisfield Times” in April. The mission of The Sandisfield Times is to connect the community through reliable, regular and relevant information.

Sandisfield has been without a monthly newsletter for over two years. The editors of The Sandisfield Times intend to cover serious local issues, events, history and politics as well as literature and lifestyle topics such as gardening and birding. Founding members include author, Simon Winchester and his wife, Setsuko, a former producer for NPR, as well as several other full-time residents and second home-owners. Local artist and graphic designer, Tina Sotis, will design the publication.

The Sandisfield Times is an independent, non-profit organization that will fund publication through sponsorships from regional and local businesses and residents. Speaking on behalf of the Town of Sandisfield, Selectman, Patrick Barrett, welcomed the news of the launch. Said Patrick, “We are sorely in need of a way to find out what’s going on in town and hope this publication, along with a new town web site planned for later this year, will really improve communication and bring people together.”

For more information, visit To listen to a four-minute piece by Simon Winchester for BBC Radio, click on about 22 minutes into the broadcast. Photo of editorial team by Richard B. Migot

Friday, January 29, 2010


SANDISFIELD -- A committee is forming in the town of Sandisfield to guide development of a commemorative book which will honor all those who have helped shape this largely rural community from its founding in 1762 until today. Slated for completion in 2012, the town’s 250th anniversary, this comprehensive history will cover the principal institutions, historical personalities and key events that influenced everyday life through the years and created the Sandisfield we know today.

Bernard A. Drew, a highly respected and well-known local historian, will edit this book, provisionally entitled “Sandisfield Revisited: 1762-2012.” The book is intended to be the definitive historical reference for Sandisfield, preserving the heritage for future generations and fostering pride among old and new residents. The committee aims to create a high-quality product with lively text and abundant photographs to be treasured as a keepsake in every home.

The committee is seeking material for the book including histories of Sandisfield institutions, businesses, and civic groups as well as sketches about the everyday life of Sandisfield’s ‘old-timers,’ new-comers and colorful personalities. “Then and now” chapters will feature older homes, farms and distinct sections of town. Important traditions such as the roles of farming, religious communities, immigration, news events and town government will also be featured. Residents and others are requested to submit old photos of houses and people and recollections of bygone days.

If you would like to contribute photographs or family history, or are interested in being on the Commerative Book Committee, contact Ron Bernard at 413 269-0012 or Liana Toscanini 413 441-9542 . Photo: RIchard B. Migot